Woman Groped on Flight to Hawaii :: http://feeds.abcnews.com/click.phdo?i=e476c0323cae6363047791dd09ef5c54
LL Cool J and family 'safe' after burglary attempt, thankful for concern - Los Angeles Times :: http://latimesblogs.latimes.com/lanow/2012/08/ll-cool-j-and-family-safe-after-burglary-attempt-thankful-for-concern.html
AT&T: Holding FaceTime Hostage Is No Net-Neutrality Breach - Wired News :: http://www.wired.com/threatlevel/2012/08/facetime-net-neutrality-flap/
Tootsie Roll's Secret Empire :: A CEO in his 90s helms an attractive takeover target. So what's next for Tootsie Roll Industries? No one really knows.
Jacob Kimbley, 2, Found Dead In Texas Septic Tank; Autopsy Pending ::
Anorexic Patients Can't Perceive Own Size, Research Shows :: http://feeds.abcnews.com/click.phdo?i=b0b5043480581f1967e6deed54c3bc5e
Editorial: What the G.O.P. Platform Represents :: The mean-spirited platform circulating ahead of the convention shows that Republican politics has moved so far to the right that the extreme is now the mainstream.
Tattoo infections in U.S. linked to contaminated ink :: http://feeds.reuters.com/~r/reuters/MostRead/~3/-A-TIocE8Cc/tatoo-ink-contamination-idUSL2E8JMAPH20120822
UK's Prince Harry cavorts naked in Vegas party photos :: http://feeds.reuters.com/~r/reuters/MostRead/~3/8NnBSNJruUQ/us-britain-prince-naked-idUSBRE87L08C20120822
Dads Often Find It Difficult to Eat Healthy :: For a father with young children, adopting a healthy diet can be hard with cheese and salami, pasta, hot dogs, French fries and Goldfish crackers on the menu.
Analysis: In Apple vs. Samsung, alchemy of damages takes the stage :: http://feeds.reuters.com/~r/reuters/MostRead/~3/kQ5cbggkg9E/us-apple-samsung-damages-idUSBRE87L0ZJ20120822
Housing Market Shows Further Signs of Strength - ValueWalk :: http://www.valuewalk.com/2012/08/housing-market-shows-further-signs-of-strength/
Electoral College Prediction Model Points To A Mitt Romney Win In 2012 ::
Planning Your Menu With Some Help :: Meal-planning services let cooks decide what’s important to them â€" price, nutrition â€" then outsource the work of making menus that reflect those choices.
Indian Spices Enliven the Late-Summer Grill :: There’s no better way to liven up grilled food than to cook with Indian spices. For the more vibrant flavors, buy the spices whole and grind them yourself.
Delayed Development: Blame the 20-Something Brain :: Recent research into how the brain develops suggests that people are better equipped to make major life decisions in their late 20s than earlier in the decade.
Costs Seen in Romney’s Medicare Savings Plan :: The $716 billion that Mitt Romney has promised to restore to hospitals and insurers would hasten the program’s insolvency, some experts say.
Woman Loses $4.68M Down Payment on NYC Apartment :: http://feeds.abcnews.com/click.phdo?i=3f4cb41bb33a59e60a764358bc24e93b
Widows of Bill Veeck and Wendell Smith Keep a Pioneering Legacy Alive :: Mary Frances Veeck and Wyonella Smith, both 91, share a long friendship nurtured over the years by baseball and their husbands who are honored in the Hall of Fame: Bill Veeck and Wendell Smith.
The New High-Tech Dating Technology? Meet in a Bar :: Data exchanged over the Internet can go only so far, so online dating services are hosting offline events to bring people together more quickly.
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