Michelle Obama At The 2008 Convention And Today: Has Her Look Changed? (PHOTOS) ::
The 50 Best Inventions :: The year's most inspired ideas, innovations and revolutions, from the microscopic to the stratospheric
Warren and Charlie and the chocolate factory - Fortune :: http://management.fortune.cnn.com/2012/08/22/buffett-munger-berkshire/
Adolf Hitler: Man of the Year, 1938 :: Adolf Hitler: Man of the Year, 1938
Home Births in America: New Push for Midwife Licensing :: The push to increase American women's access to home birth reignites the debate over how safe it is
Democrats Push to Rebut GOP :: Michelle Obama opened the convention with a deeply personal speech showing how the economic struggles of average workers and her own parents shaped the policies of her husband, capping a night that began with sharp attacks on the GOP.
Making Your Retirement Assets Last :: Retirees want to make sure their portfolios survive as long as they do. Here are steps that can help.
Photo by SHANNON STAPLETON/REUTERS 12 hours ago - Yahoo! Eurosport UK :: http://uk.eurosport.yahoo.com/photos/azarenka-belarus-hits-return-stosur-australia-during-womens-photo-153552646--spt.html
In Europe, Signs of a Jobless Generation :: Euro-zone unemployment among young people is expected to remain elevated for at least the next half-decade.
How the Party Platforms Differ :: The Democratic Party platform approved Tuesday offered a stark contrast to the Republican one adopted last week, especially on abortion rights, gay marriage and the future of Medicare and Social Security.
CONVENTION WATCH: Julian Castro keynotes, and Rahm Emanuel on that 4 ... - Vancouver Sun :: http://www.vancouversun.com/news/CONVENTION%2BWATCH%2BPaging%2BBetty%2BWhite%2BRyans%2Bother%2Brival%2Bpolitics%2Bbeer/7189337/story.html
FBI disputes claims of hackers' Apple data breach - New Zealand Herald :: http://www.nzherald.co.nz/technology/news/article.cfm?c_id%3D5%26objectid%3D10831918
It’s the Economy: What’s a $4,000 Suit Worth? :: Tailors pose an odd riddle for our economy: Why can’t a wealthy city support a niche business like bespoke suits?
WRAPUP 1-Tennis-Open-Azarenka, Ferrer advance at rain-hit US Open - Chicago Tribune :: http://www.chicagotribune.com/sns-rt-tennis-open-wrapup-1-pix-tvl4e8k471i-20120904,0,1463531.story
Minority separatist government best of the worst-case scenarios for Harper - Edmonton Journal :: http://www.edmontonjournal.com/news/national/Minority%2Bseparatist%2Bgovernment%2Bbest%2Bworstcase%2Bscenarios%2BHarper/7189958/story.html
David Cameron's new-look cabinet to hold first meeting - BBC News :: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-19484126
Poverty is 'tearing British families apart' says charity Save the Children - Daily Mail :: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2198477/Poverty-tearing-British-families-apart-says-charity-Save-Children.html?ito%3Dfeeds-newsxml
Commander: Navy SEALs reveal too many secrets - NBCNews.com (blog) :: http://usnews.nbcnews.com/_news/2012/09/04/13663286-commander-navy-seals-reveal-too-many-secrets?lite
QUICKQUOTE: MIDDLE CLASS - Houston Chronicle :: http://www.chron.com/news/article/QUICKQUOTE-MIDDLE-CLASS-3839849.php
Hackers Leak IDs Tied to Apple Devices :: Technology blogs were abuzz with news that a group of hackers leaked a million ID numbers from Apple devicesâ€"numbers that they claim to have taken from a database that also had people's other personal information on it.
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