Sunday, February 17, 2013

17-Feb-2013 18:32

Adolf Hitler: Man of the Year, 1938 :: Adolf Hitler: Man of the Year, 1938,9171,760539,00.html?xid=rss-mostpopular

Mother Teresa's Crisis of Faith :: Her secret letters show that she spent almost 50 years without sensing the presence of God in her life. What does her experience teach us about the value of doubt?,9171,1655720,00.html?xid=rss-mostpopular

For Retirees On Corporate Boards, The Rewards Go Beyond Cash - Forbes ::

Flood Control in the Netherlands Now Allows Sea Water In :: The Netherlands has held back the sea for centuries; now it is letting it in, as the Dutch realize they are facing a losing battle.

How Napoleon Chagnon Became Our Most Controversial Anthropologist :: Napoleon Chagnon tramped through a rain forest, uncovering the lives of indigenous tribes. But to some, he’s anything but a hero.

Worker Liberation in Michigan :: Another state gives individuals the right not to join a union.'s_Most_Popular

Three Questioned in Libor Probe :: The U.K. Serious Fraud Office has arrested three men as part of an investigation into the rigging of interest rates.

Epigenetics, DNA: How You Can Change Your Genes, Destiny :: The new field of epigenetics is showing how your environment and your choices can influence your genetic code — and that of your kids,9171,1952313,00.html?xid=rss-mostpopular

Study: Why Older Women Have Higher Sex Drive :: A new article suggests that women are more sexually active in their middle years. The evolutionary explanation for "cougars",9171,2007422,00.html?xid=rss-mostpopular

Best Inventions 2005: Bot Crazy :: Best Inventions 2005: Bot Crazy,9171,1129593,00.html?xid=rss-mostpopular

Why Your Heartburn Drugs Don't Work :: New research suggests that in many people, heartburn may be caused by something other than acid reflux. But gastroenterologists are often stumped as to what it is and how to treat it.'s_Most_Popular

Only-Child Myths Persist As More Parents Choose One Kid :: Only children are supposed to be spoiled, selfish and lonely. In fact they're just fine — and on the rise, as more parents choose against having multiple children,9171,2002530,00.html?xid=rss-mostpopular

The Power of Negative Thinking :: Both ancient philosophy and modern psychology suggest that darker thoughts can make us happier, writes Oliver Burkeman.'s_Most_Popular

HSBC to Pay Record U.S. Penalty :: HSBC acknowledged that for years it ignored possible money laundering, part of a record $1.9 billion settlement with U.S. authorities that caps the bank's disastrous foray into the U.S. market.'s_Most_Popular

EU to Put Reins on Regulators :: Authorities are considering launching a legal crackdown on some national regulators for restricting European banks from freely moving funds across national borders.

Man Killed in Rare Midtown Shooting :: A man was fatally shot in the head on West 58th Street, marking the fourth death this year in a typically murder-free area of Manhattan.'s_Most_Popular

Fiscal Cliff Talks Make Progress :: Budget negotiations between the White House and Republican House Speaker Boehner have progressed steadily in recent days, breathing life into talks that appeared to have stalled.'s_Most_Popular

The Republican Tax Panic :: The GOP should negotiate with Obama, not each other.'s_Most_Popular

Pap Tests: Another Revision of Recommendations :: Days after a government task force rolled back its mammography screening recommendations, another influential group issued revised guidelines on Pap tests for young women,8599,1942044,00.html?xid=rss-mostpopular

The other Washington gridlock: Traffic jams ::

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