Women in Texas Sue a Porn Site :: More than a dozen women filed a civil lawsuit in Texas state court against a porn website, Texxxan.com, alleging their intimate photos were posted illegally and included information that made them easy to identify.
Adolf Hitler: Man of the Year, 1938 :: Adolf Hitler: Man of the Year, 1938
Mother Teresa's Crisis of Faith :: Her secret letters show that she spent almost 50 years without sensing the presence of God in her life. What does her experience teach us about the value of doubt?
Johanna Mason's Capitol Portrait: First Look At Jena Malone In 'The Hunger Games: Catching Fire' (PHOTO) ::
Say Goodbye to 4% Rule for Retirement :: If markets don't cooperate, the conventional wisdom on how much you can withdraw from your nest egg each year can fall short. What are the alternatives? Here are three of them.
Gadgets You Need, Even if You Have a Smartphone :: Smartphone apps have made many electronic devices, like the point-and-shoot camera, superfluous. But some stand-alone devices are still useful.
Cat Haven Lion Death: Person Killed At Dunlap, California Animal Sanctuary ::
Dow marches to another new high :: http://rss.cnn.com/~r/rss/money_mostpopular/~3/ZdMzYgvn4Nk/index.html
Rachel Weisz Style Evolution: From Uggs To The Oscars (PHOTOS) ::
Brianna Priddy, Applebee's Waitress, Serves Customer Using Her Stolen Driver's License (VIDEO) ::
With Positions to Fill, Employers Wait for Perfection :: Many companies remain reluctant to hire, stringing job applicants along for weeks or months before they make a decision.
'What Not To Wear' Canceled: TLC Series Ending After 10 Years ::
Unreported Side Effects of Drugs Are Found Using Internet Search Data, Study Finds :: Scientists have detected evidence of unreported prescription drug side effects before they were found by the Food and Drug Administration’s warning system.
Rand Paul Filibusters John Brennan Nomination ::
Buffett Calls Out Cap-Ex Wimps: How to Find the Anti-Wimp Stocks - YCharts :: http://ycharts.com/analysis/story/buffett_calls_out_capex_wimps_how_to_find_the_antiwimp_stocks
World Naked Bike Ride: Australia's Cyclists Get Nude For Safety (NSFW PHOTOS) ::
Ryan Budget Plan Draws GOP Flak :: House Republican leaders are drawing opposition from party members to the idea of revamping Medicare for more Americans than previously suggested.
Naomi Watts' Louis Vuitton Minidress Isn't Fit For The Front Row (PHOTOS) ::
Casey Anthony Supporters Help Her Survive Without A Job ::
TSA to Allow Small Knives on Planes :: The Transportation Security Administration said it would soon allow fliers to carry certain smaller knives onto airplanes, one of the biggest moves to scale back airport-security measures since the Sept. 11, 2001, terror attacks.
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