Charles Munger's push for Beth Gaines becomes campaign issue - Sacramento Bee (blog) ::
Missing Mom's Husband: I Did It ::
Germany Grapples With Role in Rescue :: As Europe careens deeper into political and economic crisis, the immediate survival of the euro turns more than ever on a single question: Will Germany act?
Op-Ed Columnist: What the Locusts Ate :: Europe, the United States, China and the Arab world have all squandered huge dividends, and digging out of their respective holes won’t be easy.
Recall Bid Fails in Wisconsin :: Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker withstood a recall election, dealing a blow to organized labor and unsettling President Barack Obama's re-election strategy.'s_Most_Popular
Prekindergarten Costs in New York City Have Doubled in 6 Years :: The cost of New York City’s special education prekindergarten program has nearly doubled in six years, and governmental oversight of the contractors running it has often been lax.
Architecture Review: Architectural Canopy Shines in Battery Park City :: A look at a geometrically complex arcade canopy by Preston Scott Cohen, an effective use of public space in Lower Manhattan that connects the Goldman Sachs headquarters to a shopping arcade and hotel.
First Doctor to Reach Shot Lincoln Found :: The first doctor to reach President Abraham Lincoln after he was shot in a Washington theater rushed to his ceremonial box and found him paralyzed, comatose and leaning against his wife. Dr. Charles Leale ordered brandy and water to be brought immediately,8599,2116548,00.html?xid=rss-mostpopular
Political Science: Science at Issue in Debate on Morning-After Pill :: Some abortion opponents say emergency contraception pills may block fertilized eggs from implanting, but scientists say there is no evidence the pills work that way.
Sex Bug Growing Resistant to Drugs ::
ECB stands ready to act, but not yet ::
Average income of super rich: $202.4 million ::
55 and scared: 'How do I protect my nest egg?' ::
Mysterious Buddhist Retreat Ends in a Grisly Death :: After having been expelled from a retreat in Arizona, Ian Thorson, was found dead in a cave nearby, and his wife, Christie McNally was found thirsty and delirious.
Stimulus hopes spur stock, commodities rally ::
EU, Germany exploring Spanish rescue, no request yet ::
Moody's Cuts Ratings on Some Banks :: Moody's Investors Service downgraded six banks in Germany and three in Austria, saying they needed stronger capital buffers to cope with the euro zone's still rumbling debt crisis.
Washington gridlock: One view on who's to blame ::
The Horace Mann School’s Secret History of Sexual Abuse :: Many years later, graduates of the Horace Mann School, an elite private school in New York, are finally able to tell their stories of sexual abuse.
Wireless Carriers Curb Choice on Voice :: The largest U.S. wireless carriers expect to get rid of plans that let subscribers buy only the number of minutes they need and replace them with a flat rate covering unlimited calls.'s_Most_Popular
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