Fecal Treatment Gains Favor for Some Illnesses :: Transplanting feces from a healthy person into the gut of one who is sick can cure some severe intestinal infections.
The importance of mispricing - optionMONSTER Research (registration) :: http://www.optionmonster.com/education/newsletter/article.php?page%3Dnews_letter/newsletter/77273_options_academy_january_16_2013.html
3 more quotes from great investors - Philadelphia Daily News :: http://www.philly.com/philly/hp/news_update/20130116_3_more_quotes_from_great_investors.html
Charlie Munger's 3 Rules on How to Become a Successful Investor - Motley Fool :: http://www.fool.com/investing/general/2013/01/15/charlie-mungers-three-rules-on-how-to-become-a-suc.aspx
Mother Teresa's Crisis of Faith :: Her secret letters show that she spent almost 50 years without sensing the presence of God in her life. What does her experience teach us about the value of doubt?
Worker Liberation in Michigan :: Another state gives individuals the right not to join a union.
Three Questioned in Libor Probe :: The U.K. Serious Fraud Office has arrested three men as part of an investigation into the rigging of interest rates.
How to Help Them Succeed :: How to Help Them Succeed
Helicopter Parents: The Backlash Against Overparenting :: Overparenting got way out of control in the past generation. But now a band of rebels is trying to restore some balance and sanity to family life and help bring all those anxious helicopter parents down for a soft landing
Why Your Heartburn Drugs Don't Work :: New research suggests that in many people, heartburn may be caused by something other than acid reflux. But gastroenterologists are often stumped as to what it is and how to treat it.
The Power of Negative Thinking :: Both ancient philosophy and modern psychology suggest that darker thoughts can make us happier, writes Oliver Burkeman.
HSBC to Pay Record U.S. Penalty :: HSBC acknowledged that for years it ignored possible money laundering, part of a record $1.9 billion settlement with U.S. authorities that caps the bank's disastrous foray into the U.S. market.
EU to Put Reins on Regulators :: Authorities are considering launching a legal crackdown on some national regulators for restricting European banks from freely moving funds across national borders.
Man Killed in Rare Midtown Shooting :: A man was fatally shot in the head on West 58th Street, marking the fourth death this year in a typically murder-free area of Manhattan.
Fiscal Cliff Talks Make Progress :: Budget negotiations between the White House and Republican House Speaker Boehner have progressed steadily in recent days, breathing life into talks that appeared to have stalled.
The Republican Tax Panic :: The GOP should negotiate with Obama, not each other.
Giving to Charity and the Children :: The client had more money than he ever intended to spend. So his adviser, Brian Kazanchy, helped him tackle two of his biggest goals: Donating to charity and passing money to his two daughters as tax efficiently as possible.
One Running Shoe in the Grave :: New studies on older endurance athletes suggest the fittest reap few health benefits.
‘Going Clear,’ Lawrence Wright’s Book on Scientology :: In “Going Clear,†Lawrence Wright uses vast research and reporting to make clear that Scientology is like no church on Earth.
Cary Grant's Style Evolution Shows That Handsome Is Always In Fashion (PHOTOS) ::
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