Tuesday, November 1, 2011

01-Nov-2011 08:28

Cirrus Logic's Management Is Creating Value - msnbc.com :: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/44786001/ns/business-motley_fool/

Have You Seen the Horse Sex Movie? :: http://www.time.com/time/arts/article/0,8599,1583009,00.html?xid=rss-mostpopular

Japan's Elder Porn: Booming Sex Niche for Aging Society :: While Japanese sex life sags, the porn industry is healthier than ever — even for septuagenarian stars

Pap Tests: Another Revision of Recommendations :: Days after a government task force rolled back its mammography screening recommendations, another influential group issued revised guidelines on Pap tests for young women

Cain denies harassment, decries 'witch hunt' :: Republican presidential candidate Herman Cain declared Monday he was falsely accused of harassment in the 1990s while he was head of the National Restaurant Association and the allegations are surfacing now as part of a "witch hunt."

How the St. Louis Cardinals Won a World Series Classic :: You won't find anything more thrilling than St. Louis' 10-9 win over Texas in Game 6 of the World Series

China Sends Ai Weiwei Tax Bill: $2.3 Million :: Outspoken artist Ai Weiwei says Chinese authorities are now seeking $2.3 million in back taxes and fines from him.

Greek referendum threatens new euro zone crisis :: http://feeds.reuters.com/~r/reuters/MostRead/~3/HAyI_f8B5XM/us-greece-referendum-idUSTRE79U5PQ20111101

US cuts off funding for UN agency after Palestinian membership bid approved - Detroit Free Press :: http://www.freep.com/article/20111101/NEWS07/111010369/U-S-cuts-off-funding-for-UN-agency-after-Palestinian-membership-bid-approved?odyssey%3Dtab%257Cmostpopular%257Ctext%257CFRONTPAGE

Analysts: Slow response to harassment claims hurts Cain - USA Today :: http://www.usatoday.com/news/politics/story/2011-10-31/herman-cain-response-slow-to-claims/51021230/1

Global market may give back some of Oct rally: John Woods - Moneycontrol.com :: http://www.moneycontrol.com/news/fii-view/global-market-may-give-back-someoct-rally-john-woods_608600.html

Top DOJ Official Admits Mistakes on ATF Gun Case Briefings - ABC News (blog) :: http://abcnews.go.com/blogs/politics/2011/11/top-doj-official-admits-mistakes-on-atf-gun-case-briefings/

Some postpone Halloween until lights come back - Boston.com :: http://www.boston.com/news/local/rhode_island/articles/2011/11/01/rare_october_snowstorm_wreaks_havoc_in_northeast/

Libya's new PM promises elections soon - euronews :: http://www.euronews.net/2011/11/01/libya-s-new-pm-promises-elections-soon/

Rivers fumble helps Chiefs to OT win over Chargers - Reuters :: http://www.reuters.com/article/2011/11/01/us-nfl-chiefs-idUSTRE7A00L120111101

Flood Refugees Hole Up in Thai Airport :: Some 350 people are holding out as refugees in Bangkok's old Don Muang airport terminal, cast away on a patch of dry land as an urban sea spreads out around them across the north of Thailand's capital.

'It gets quite heated... It's real': Gary Barlow confirms fall-out between ... - Daily Mail :: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-2055992/It-gets-quite-heated--Its-real-Gary-Barlow-confirms-fall-Kelly-Tulisa-X-Factor.html?ito%3Dfeeds-newsxml

Profiles in Science | Michael S. Gazzaniga: Telling the Story of the Brain's Cacophony of Competing Voices :: Michael S. Gazzaniga, after a long career at the top of his field, is spelling out a cautionary tale about the uses of neuroscience in society.

Deba Could Be the First New Yorker to Win the City's Marathon :: When the elite runner Buzunesh Deba trains, she shares sidewalks and park paths with the amateurs who make up most of the city's jogging population.

Airlines Are Trying to Cut Boarding Times on Planes :: Boarding times at airports have doubled since the 1970s, prompting airlines to try all kinds of elaborate tricks to get passengers in speedily and leave the gate on time.

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