Tuesday, November 1, 2011

01-Nov-2011 18:58

Libeskind Slices Into a Museum :: Architect Daniel Libeskind, known as the master planner for the World Trade Center site, has just produced a head-turning extension to the German army's military museum in Dresden.

Have You Seen the Horse Sex Movie? :: http://www.time.com/time/arts/article/0,8599,1583009,00.html?xid=rss-mostpopular

Japan's Elder Porn: Booming Sex Niche for Aging Society :: While Japanese sex life sags, the porn industry is healthier than ever — even for septuagenarian stars

Dark Matter: The Cosmos' Greatest Mystery Deepens :: You'd think cosmologists would know what makes up 80% of the universe. You'd be wrong

FBI Releases Details of Russian Spy Ring :: The FBI on Monday released surveillance tapes, photos and hundreds of pages of documents that shed new light on operation "Ghost Stories," the bureau's investigation of a ring of Russian sleeper agents that ended after more than a decade

Greek Referendum Plan Threatens Government :: The Greek prime minister's call for a referendum on a freshly minted bailout package rattled European officials and global markets, sparking warnings that the move could force the collapse of the Greek government and push the country into a destabilizing default on its sovereign debt.

Start-Ups in India Hit by Bureaucracy :: It's tough to start a business anywhere, but India presents special obstacles—as X-ray machine entrepreneur Vishwaprasad Alva found with his medical start-up in Mysore.

Op-Ed Contributor: Israel and the Apartheid Slander :: There is too much separation between Arabs and Jews in Israel, but it is not apartheid, which enshrines separation as an ideal.

Microsoft's Courier and infighting in the name of innovation - ZDNet (blog) :: http://www.zdnet.com/blog/microsoft/microsofts-courier-and-infighting-in-the-name-of-innovation/11131

Op-Ed Columnist: The Wrong Inequality :: The most troubling problems that leave many Americans at a disadvantage have gotten lost in the debate over the top 1 percent of earners vs. the bottom 99 percent.

Passenger jet makes belly landing - Stuff.co.nz :: http://www.stuff.co.nz/world/europe/5892715/Passenger-jet-makes-belly-landing

London protesters get legal reprieve - Sydney Morning Herald :: http://news.smh.com.au/breaking-news-world/london-protesters-get-legal-reprieve-20111102-1mu9p.html

Global Stocks Slide :: Stocks fell around the world after Greece's surprise decision to call a referendum on its bailout package stirred fears that the latest euro-zone rescue plan might fall apart.

BofA Retreats On Debit Fee, Citing Uproar :: Bank of America has dropped its plan to charge customers $5 a month for making purchases with their debit cards, responding to a customer backlash after the fee was announced in September.

Op-Ed Columnist: Corzine Crashes Like It's 2008 :: The former chief of Goldman Sachs was on track to get a $12 million golden parachute for failing at MF Global Holdings. Didn't the financial industry learn anything?

Who Would Quit Before Race Day? :: Injuries from overtraining and fear of undertraining can lead to 15,000 no-shows at the New York City Marathon.

Patriots WR Julian Edelman faces indecent assault charge - USA Today :: http://content.usatoday.com/communities/thehuddle/post/2011/11/julian-edelman-indecent-assault-battery-new-england-patriots/1

Scarlett Johansson says "nothing wrong" with nude photos - Reuters Canada :: http://ca.reuters.com/article/entertainmentNews/idCATRE7A058H20111101

Cain's recollection of charges grows stronger - CBS News :: http://www.cbsnews.com/8301-503544_162-20128317-503544/cain-drips-details-of-harassment-charges-vows-innocence/

IPhone 4S Battery: Power Drains Quickly; Apple Investigates - ABC News :: http://abcnews.go.com/Technology/iphone-4s-battery-issue-apple-investigates-battery-drains/story?id%3D14856911

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