Tuesday, November 1, 2011

01-Nov-2011 16:28

Have You Seen the Horse Sex Movie? :: http://www.time.com/time/arts/article/0,8599,1583009,00.html?xid=rss-mostpopular

Japan's Elder Porn: Booming Sex Niche for Aging Society :: While Japanese sex life sags, the porn industry is healthier than ever — even for septuagenarian stars

Secret Orders Target Email :: The U.S. government obtained a controversial type of secret court order to force Google and a small Internet provider to turn over data from the email of WikiLeaks volunteer Jacob Appelbaum.

Plane from US makes emergency landing in Warsaw - CBS News :: http://www.cbsnews.com/8301-501714_162-20128411/plane-from-us-makes-emergency-landing-in-warsaw/

Airlines Are Trying to Cut Boarding Times on Planes :: Boarding times at airports have doubled since the 1970s, prompting airlines to try all kinds of elaborate tricks to get passengers in speedily and leave the gate on time.

Greek news leaves Toronto, world markets reeling - CTV.ca :: http://edmonton.ctv.ca/servlet/an/local/CTVNews/20111101/world-markets-tumble-after-notice-greek-referendum-111101/20111101/?hub%3DEdmontonHome

Cain's Conflicting Statements on Sexual Harassment Allegation Create More ... - ABC News (blog) :: http://abcnews.go.com/blogs/politics/2011/11/cains-conflicting-statements-on-sexual-harassment-allegation-create-more-questions/

Scarlett Johansson: My Nude Photos Were for Ryan Reynolds! - Us Magazine :: http://www.usmagazine.com/healthylifestyle/news/scarlett-johansson-my-nude-photos-were-for-ryan-reynolds-2011111

Dhoni not surprised by Spot-Fixing verdict - Cricketnext.com :: http://cricketnext.in.com/news/dhoni-not-surprised-by-spotfixing-verdict/61187-13.html

Live: Greece political turmoil - BBC News :: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-15539642

St Paul's Cathedral caught between God and Mammon in London's Occupy protest - Reuters Blogs (blog) :: http://blogs.reuters.com/faithworld/2011/11/01/st-pauls-cathedral-caught-between-god-and-mammon-in-londons-occupy-protest/

Credit Suisse to Cut Jobs :: Credit Suisse disclosed plans to scale back its investment bank, squeeze more profits from private banking and slash 3,500 jobs.

Wall St spirals lower after Greek referendum call :: http://feeds.reuters.com/~r/reuters/MostRead/~3/nfCzcvqLOlw/us-markets-stocks-idUSTRE7A01NM20111101

Bill Gates had a hand in killing Microsoft's Courier tablet project - The Seattle Times :: http://seattletimes.nwsource.com/html/microsoftpri0/2016661763_bill_gates_had_a_hand_in_killing_microsofts_courie.html

Lifestyle guru wins damages over Blair sex story - Reuters India :: http://in.reuters.com/article/2011/11/01/idINIndia-60247120111101

Hindsight Is Kind to Steve Jobs's Decision to Delay Surgery :: Steve Jobs's decision to delay an operation to remove a tumor may not have been as ill considered as it seems at first blush.

AP Exclusive: New Signs of Syria-Pakistan Nuke Tie :: U.N. investigators have identified a previously unknown complex in Syria that bolsters suspicions that the Syrian government worked with A.Q. Khan

Hague lists cyber 'rules of the road' - ZDNet UK :: http://www.zdnet.co.uk/news/security-management/2011/11/01/hague-lists-cyber-rules-of-the-road-40094332/

G20 summit to test EU debt deal :: http://rss.cnn.com/~r/rss/money_mostpopular/~3/IXi7V02ooNA/index.htm

Samsung demands Iphone 4S source code - Inquirer :: http://www.theinquirer.net/inquirer/news/2121651/samsung-demands-iphone-4s-source-code

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